Sunday, August 9, 2020

Stepping in God's Way

 This is a message that God put on my heart on June 3, 2018. 

It still stands true today!

Beloved Child,

        Why do you keep stepping in the way of the great plans I have for you? Stop stepping in the way of my plans! 

        Every time you make a "food" decision with your flesh: instead of your heart and soul along with my spirit inside you, think about how that decision will affect the "positive" outcome I have already planned for you.

        Your flesh makes bad decisions. Selfish and sometimes destructive decisions. Your mind lines up with your body in those horrible decisions.

        When you make a decision based on my spirit within you, your heart and mind will line up with my spirit and... you will prosper!

        I have so many good gifts waiting for you. Blessings you will not believe!

        I know you can't do this alone, but through ME all things are possible.

        Every time you are about to make a "food mistake", I want you to think of how you are stepping in the way of my "perfect" plans for you. Plans that you originally asked for in prayer and are now causing you to self-destruct.

        I love you so very much, my dearest child. Turn to me. I can help you!

                                                Your loving Father,


What plans are you stepping in the way of?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Thinking about the Meaning of Prayer

The most difficult task in the world for a writer is staring at a blank screen and hoping that something brilliant will pop into your mind. I started this relaunch of my blog six weeks ago and I am still staring at this blank canvas, still hoping that God will send me some words of encouragement that I could pass on to others. It's been a long dry season!

Finally, this morning a Bible verse jumped off the page at me and this isn't something that normally happens to me very often, so I consider it significant. I had been asking God about prayer. How often? How do I know if I got an answer? If you already know the future than how are my prayers effective?

"....The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]." ~ 
James 5:16 ~ Amplified Version

There has been much conversation lately about prayer in the world. We recognize that we need to be more involved in prayer, especially during trying times such as these.

I decided to personalize this verse and break it into smaller pieces to find out what it really means to me. Borrowing from Mr. Daniel Webster's dictionary, I found these meanings...

  • Heartfelt ~ Deeply felt or earnest (serious or important state of mind)
  • Persistent ~ Existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously.
  • Prayer ~ An address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought.
  • Righteous ~ Acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin morally right or justifiable.
  • Believer ~ Someone who accepts the word or evidence of something
  • Accomplish ~  to bring about (a result) by effort
  • Much ~ great in quantity, amount, extent, or degree
So basically, if this were a note from God to me, this verse is saying...

Dearest Jan,

Your deep, heartfelt, earnest requests that you ask for continuously in prayer have been heard. Because you are morally justified through My son, Jesus Christ, I have made you righteous. Because you accept My Word as evidence of My promises for you, I WILL bring about change in great quantities through My tremendous power. I will put them into action and they will be effective.

All my love,

Your Father, God

What more is there to say? When I reconsider this verse and make it personal, I feel so blessed to be a child of God, knowing that cares about me and listens to my prayers. I need to stop questioning the process and just do what he says... Pray unceasingly, believing that He is who he says He is and will do what He says He will do!